Free to Bee® previously Tame your Mind

Feel lighter, happier and healthier - naturally!

"My life is so much better now. 
I can relax and be me"

Our client's are our priority. 
Our mission is to help our clients live with peace and happiness in their heart, body and mind through increasing emotional resilience.

It's easy to connect with us!

At Free to Bee® we recognise that each person is unique, that's why we offer the Tomatis® Method to help people be the best they can be.

The Tomatis® Method is a unique auditory stimulation programme designed to increase a person's ability to listen without emotional disturbance.  
It's a music therapy designed to be done at home with minimal disruption to life.  Because each of us are unique, each of us will gain our own unique results from engaging in a Tomatis® programme.
Debbie can give you more information if you'd like it.

Our Clients

The scope of the Tomatis® Method is enormous.  It is an auditory training programme that creates new neural pathways through neuroplasticity. 

It's results are unique to each person because none of us have exactly the same brain circuitry yet all of us have capacity to build new pathways and increase our emotional, mental, physical and spiritual intelligence.

At Free to Bee® our purpose is to empower people to bring peace and happiness into their lives by supporting them to increase emotional resilience, ideally to improve well-being.

Our Tomatis® Method clients have generally struggled with:

-Feelings of Anxiety

-Feelings of Depression

-Issues with ADHD or hyperactivity

-Issues with IBS

-Difficulty remembering spoken instructions 

-Communication issues

-Feeling like you can't join in to conversations

-Taking a bit longer than 'normal' to process what has been said

-Issues remembering content of meetings and verbal interactions

-Difficulty finding where to start tasks

-Difficulty staying focused in noisy environments

-Impulsive behaviour and/or speech

-Reduced ability to manage emotions

-Issues with Anger or Frustration 

-Difficulty feeling and/or hearing emotions

-Voice monotone or high or low pitch

-Inability to sing in tune and create and maintain harmonies

-Inability to feel connection with others

-Difficulty with finding the right words (spoken and written)

-Difficulty with Focus and Attention

-Tendency to signs of dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia


-Sensitivity to changes in noise, light, environment etc

-Post Concussion Syndrome

-Balance and Co-ordination Issues

Our services are diverse -
we also offer:

Life Coaching

Life Coaching is all about achieving goals.  Engaging with  life coach gives a person an impartial accountability or thinking partner,  Life coaches also hold space for personal growth empowering their clients toward reaching their goals which may include increasing emotional resilience


The style of hypnotherapy used at Free to Bee® is visualisation in the form of regression or inner child healing.

By looking back to the past with kindness and without judgment we can learn how the past reflects into our present and future and begin to understand ourselves at a much deeper level.

Energy Healing

For those who are open to the concept that emotions, beliefs and imbalances in the body have an energetic component or vibration.  This weight or vibration can be released, via Emotion Code®, Body Code® and Belief Code® freeing the body and mind from their energy.  This is a form of energy work that can improve overall well-being.

Work with Debbie to increase emotional resilience

Debbie's priority is supporting people to find peace and happiness in their heart and mind through increasing emotional resilience ideally, to improve well-being

Get in touch with us today to find out how we can help you

Frequently Asked Questions

Are you ready for change?

Get in touch with us today to find out more?

Fill out a Form to
Contact Debbie

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Please Note:

Free to Bee® is not a Medical or Mental Health Agency or Service. 
We are not trained medical or mental health professionals
Our training is to help clients move beyond life challenges that they believe are holding them back. 
While our services this may contribute to increasing a person's overall emotional resilience, it is not a replacement for dedicated mental health help, support, diagnosis or advice.
If you are looking for a mental health service please click the link below for a list of agencies providing assistance.